Online Videos About Music-Thanatologists
1. Peter Roberts, Music-Thanatologist Scroll down to Episode 99. (24:39). (2006). Spirit of Life. Interview with Peter Roberts, CM-Th.
2. Music in the Time of Dying (1:25). (2007). The Oregonian. Sharilyn Cohn, CM-Th. Portland non-profit SacredFlight seeks to ease the suffering through music of those who are dying.
3. As Life Ebbs, Healing Music Flows (1:08). (2008). The Boston Globe. Jen Hollis, CM-Th. With patients nearing death, a specially trained harpist plays to ease pain and suffering, and console loved ones.
4. Australian Story: Heaven (25 min). (2010). ABC Network. An accomplished musician, Peter Roberts opted to give up a lucrative career as a businessman and retrain overseas at his own expense to become Australia's only music-thanatologist.
5. Compassionate Care Through Music (11:20). (2011). ABC Network. Peter Roberts, CM-Th, demonstrates how prescriptively-played music can help in medical settings.
6. Care of the Body, Cure of the Soul (2:29). (2011). Community Nursing Services of Utah. Ann Dowdy, CM-Th. Music-thanatology is a vital part of hospice care for patients struggling with terminal illness. As part of a hospice team, the music-thanatologist soothes and comforts each patient with prescriptive musical sessions. This proven therapy helps both patient and family.
7. Offering Sonic Vigils by Playing Harp at Patients' Bed Sides (1:56). (2012). Seattle Times. Jeri Howe, CM-Th. and Dia Walker, CM-Th. Howe and Walker work under the auspices of the Spiritual Care department with the hospital's Sacred Harmonies program. Their music, soothing and therapeutic for terminally ill or uncomfortable patients, is offered as a sonic vigil to help people sleep, meditate or find a sense of peace.
8. Peter Roberts at Newman College, Australia. (4:10). (2012). Documentary Shop. Peter Roberts, CM-Th, a leading music-thanatologist in Australia and gives talks about his chosen career.
9. Music-thanatology: Michael Sasnow, CM-Th. (3:05). (2013). Cathy Zheutlin: Holy Rascals. Music-thanatology provides musical comfort, using harp and voice at the bedside of those nearing the end of life. Highly trained music-thanatologists serve the needs of the dying, and their loved ones, with prescriptive music.
10. Harp Therapy: Annie Burgard, CM-Th. (1:12). (2013). Palmetto Health Richland, SC. Playing the harp at the bedside of those who are dying, gravely ill or disheartened.